I thought it might be helpful if I showed you how I wrote follow up emails to two people I met yesterday at a lunch meeting hosted by one of my clients. Why am I doing this? Because in the talks and presentations I do about business networking, people frequently ask me, how do I follow up with a new …
A Key Guiding Principle for Networking Events
Just last month I attended one of Ron Gibson’s networking events. He had invited me to help me meet some new people and expand my network. A couple of days before the event, Ron and I were having a chat and out of that conversation, I remember asking him about a single thing to remember when at networking events and …
Why your approach to Networking Events is Failing you…… & even Hurting you!
Whenever I go to a networking event, I’m always reminded of what not to do. There’s always someone (or several someone’s) who think their purpose in being there is to hand their business card to everyone they meet and sell their wares. These people don’t get it. They’re continually forcing their business into the conversation, slipping in pieces and parts …
Why this blog about Business Networking?
I believe that everything happens for a reason, though that reason might not be clear at first it comes into picture later down the track. This blog is a prime example of how you can benefit from networking and developing relationships by following up and keeping touch. I attended a breakfast event at end of last year where there was …