Networking Muscles Atrophy Dont Let it Happen to You!

Networking Muscles Atrophy: Don’t Let it Happen to You!

When I was doing my sit-ups yesterday, I started thinking about how networking is a lot like exercise. We have have certain skills that we use―think of them as “muscles”―and when we don’t use them, they can atrophy. Muscle atrophy is when the muscles of the body deteriorate or waste away. Last year, I was very hit and miss (lazy) …

Better Questions, Better Networking Conversations

Better Questions, Better Networking Conversations

A question I get asked a lot at my business development courses is this: “When I go to networking events, how do I approach and talk to someone I don’t know?” MAJOR CLUE: “Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.” — Voltaire said that. Good questions are tremendously important. They are far more than just a means …

Why networking doesn’t work for a lot of people — and the solution for it.

For many business people and professionals, networking is their primary source of business, while many others frequently claim to put a lot of effort into networking without seeing much return. What’s going on here? Why does networking work for some people, but not for others? What about you? Networking, according to those who are successful at doing it — meaning …

How To Network Strategically To Gain More And Better Referrals For Your Business

Eliminate the HIGH COST of cold market business development by having your own community of REFERRAL PARTNERS…… When most people network, they traditionally join industry-related associations and meet people at monthly gatherings. They also sponsor events, serve on committees, attend conferences and trade shows, play golf and host business get-togethers of all kinds. These networking methods work well for most …

Win More Clients

Unlock The Secret Of Winning More Clients!

Act Without Attachment: You’ll Win More Clients That Way In my work with clients, I talk about why it is important to “act without attachment to desired results” while meeting with prospects. In other words, while you would certainly prefer that the person be interested in doing business with you, you’re not obsessed about getting the sale. If s/he is …